Particle Rendering
Lesson 4 of 4 Houdini Particles
What do we do with all of these points we’ve worked so hard to choreograph? In this lesson, we’re going to explore the many ways to render particles, and we’ll look at tip and tricks to create some interesting effects through rendering with Mantra.
Discuss this LessonLesson 4 Assignments0 of 2 Assignments Completed
The brief is “transformation.” Use all your particle and Houdini knowledge to create fully animated, rendered and realized version of a shot based around this concept.
Extra Credit
Capture the Flag. Make a particle system that plays a virtual game of “capture the flag.” Create two teams, each with a goal to capture the other’s flag. Get as complicated as you want, adding obstacles, giving particles the ability to shoot and kill their enemies, and creating different logic systems to run the game.
Student Homework
Lesson 1
Time-Based Solvers
Before getting into Houdini’s POPs particle network, we’re going to learn what’s happening under the hood by building several of our own time-based solvers from scratch. This will provide a great fundamental understanding of simulation environments, data, and how to add your own functionality to built-in Houdini solvers.- 2 hours 15 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 24 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
- Project FilesDownloadable Project Files
Lesson Overview
The Solver SOP
Homemade Particle System
Particle Collision Detection
Lesson 2
Intro to Particles
We’re going to dive into Houdini’s POP network and learn the basics of particle simulations. Here, you’ll become familiar with the core components of our dynamics system, including emitters, forces, colliders, and more. We’ll then use these skills to take into the next lesson to create more advanced systems.- 2 hours 42 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 17 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
- Project FilesDownloadable Project Files
Understanding the Particle Network
Streams and Groups
Lesson 3
Particle Choreography
Now that we know the basics, let’s learn the finer points of particle simulation: control. In this lesson we’ll learn how to control timing, influence direction and flow, and learn more elaborate ways of directing our particle systems.- 2 hours 22 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 20 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
- Project FilesDownloadable Project Files
Controlling Groups and Streams
Particle Guides and Influencers
Flowing With and Around Objects
Additional Particle Methods
Lesson 4
this lessonParticle Rendering
What do we do with all of these points we’ve worked so hard to choreograph? In this lesson, we’re going to explore the many ways to render particles, and we’ll look at tip and tricks to create some interesting effects through rendering with Mantra.- 2 hours 10 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 19 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
- Project FilesDownloadable Project Files
Particle Instancing
Sequencing Animation
Wedging Particles
Point Rendering
Controlling Geometry With Particles
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