Building a World
Lesson 2 of 4 Advanced Matte Painting
In this lesson, Maxx will show you how to quickly create and adjust terrains for your shot. He'll then find his preferred composition and begin kitbashing to add hard surface elements. From there, you'll learn to auto-generate plants by using a scatter system, and dress your set using custom placements for the most prominent greenery. By the end of this lesson, you will have a full 3D scene for your project.
Extra Credit
Create multiple cameras to frame your scene. You may find that you like one of these new compositions even better!
Hard Hats Required
Build your scene in 3D based on the concept you chose earlier. Don't feel constrained by the software Maxx uses in this course. Use whatever works best to get the job done. You can use the free kit content Maxx uses in this course, or you can sample other kits on the KitBash3D website. Afterward, upload your finished homework to the Learn Squared site.
Student Homework
Lesson 1
Creative Spark
Creating art isn't just about technical skills. If you want to make something that really resonates, you'll need to harness your own personal experiences and inspirations. This lesson will focus on tapping into those innermost artistic sources by putting yourself in a position to be truly creative. You'll learn to fully develop your ideas and gather reference, before creating rough thumbnails and planning your production strategy going forward. By the end of this lesson, you will have a roadmap for the 3D work ahead.
- 37 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 9 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
Idea Generation
Lesson 2
this lessonBuilding a World
In this lesson, Maxx will show you how to quickly create and adjust terrains for your shot. He'll then find his preferred composition and begin kitbashing to add hard surface elements. From there, you'll learn to auto-generate plants by using a scatter system, and dress your set using custom placements for the most prominent greenery. By the end of this lesson, you will have a full 3D scene for your project.
- 1 hour 8 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 10 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
- Project FilesDownloadable Project Files
Initial Terrain
Placing Scenery
Lesson 3
Capturing the Senses
In this lesson, you will begin by making a 'halfway paintover' on top of your 3D render from the previous lesson. From here, you'll be able to quickly get a feel for where things need to be adjusted in 3D. Finding the right sky is a major step in this process, so pay special attention to this portion. Lighting comes next, which will begin a back-and-forth process with your props and composition. Sometimes lighting can reveal areas that need improvement, so don't be afraid to go back and change things once the lights are placed. Finally, you will render your scene and bring all the elements into Photoshop.
- 50 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 9 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
- Project FilesDownloadable Project Files
Halfway Paintover
Polishing 3D
Final Render
Lesson 4
Bringing a World to Life
Now that the 3D renders have been brought into Photoshop, it's time to finish your painting. This process will make all the difference in the image's level of photorealism. The first step is to make a quick mood painting, allowing you to get an idea of the overall game plan without getting bogged down by fine details. After this, you'll start working in Maxx's 'back to front' style, meticulously fleshing out each asset in order of its distance from the camera to create a cohesive final piece. Finally, Maxx will review his own work from this course, and leave you with some closing thoughts on how to stay inspired and motivated in the years to come.
- 1 hour 12 minutesTotal Lesson Duration
- 9 VideosVideo Lectures in this Lesson
- Project FilesDownloadable Project Files
Building and Rebuilding
Closing Thoughts
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