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Basic Light and Values

Lesson 3 of 8 Intro to Environment Painting

Lighting and values are key for rich and informative environment painting. Follow Maciej’s guide to understand lighting theories, surface properties and fundamentals of value used in environment painting.

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Lesson 3 Assignments0 of 2 Assignments Completed
  • Advanced

    Option 1
    Create a mood sketch with attention to detail then create same environment but with 
    different light direction and make it as close construction wise to the first sketch

    Option 2
    Using line drawing technique from Lesson 2 create complex environment with architecture. 
    Then make 2 iterations of that line drawing / sketch and create two different lighting scenarios by adding values to the sketch.

  • Beginner

    Option 1
    Create 1 mood sketch using techniques explained in the lesson

    Option 2
    Create 1 sketch using techniques from Lesson 2 and add values to those sketches

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